Here you can find events organised to further the ATM, such as workshops or open datasprints. We also show other events where the ATM is present.

Evenement details:

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    Dutch Time Machines Workshop

    15:00 - 17:00Online

    On March 4th, 2021 the Amsterdam Time Machine hosted the ‘Dutch Time Machines workshop’: an online event to share updates from, and foster exchanges among Local Time Machines (LTMs) in the Netherlands. LTM projects are one of the main pillars of Time Machine’s ambition to develop the Big Data of the Past: a huge distributed digital information system mapping the European social, cultural and geographical evolution across times.

    The workshop included presentations from projects in Amsterdam (Amsterdam Monumentenstad; Waterlooplein 3D; Virtual Interiors), Leiden (Canals5D Leiden), Utrecht (Living Pasts, Utrecht Time Machine), Limburg (Aezel, Limburg Time Machine), and Breda (Virtueel Princenhage).

    The event was chaired by Julia Noordegraaf, moderated by Melvin Wevers, and organized by Ilaria Manzini (Amsterdam Time Machine | University of Amsterdam).