Water en watermanagement zijn altijd al belangrijke thema's geweest voor Amsterdam. Door de eeuwen heen is een complex systeem van sluizen en dijken aangelegd om de waterniveaus in de stad te reguleren. Het belang van het Amsterdamse watersysteem, met name in een tijdContinue Reading

My name is Lulu and I am a visiting scholar at the University of Amsterdam from Beijing, China. I am currently working at an archival heritage project on Chinese communities, supervised by Charles Jeurgens, Professor of Archival Studies at the department of Media Studies at UvA. The goal of theContinue Reading

Melvin Wevers, coordinator of the Amsterdam Time Machine, has been selected as a fellow for the 4th edition of Intercontinental Academia (ICA) on “Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence”. During the program, a group of fellows and mentors explores fundamental interdisciplinary questions at the intersection of cognitive science, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence,Continue Reading