Here you can find events organised to further the ATM, such as workshops or open datasprints. We also show other events where the ATM is present.

Event Information:

  • Thu

    CREATE IIIF/Linked Open Data Sprint

    12.30 - 16.30 Humanities Labs FGW-UvA: Bushuis - Kloveniersburgwal 48 Amsterdam
    • Save the Date!

    On Thursday 17 October 2024, the UvA's CREATE Lab and the Amsterdam Time Machine, together with the Digital Heritage Network, Allmaps and the Amsterdam City Archives, will organise a data sprint. The aim of this sprint is to work in teams on a 'shared canvas' for references and annotations. We will work with early modern maps, image collections (visual material) and handwritten and HTR transcriptions (textual material). The theme is: Storytelling. The programme will be launched in September.

    Do you work in the heritage sector, on a local Time Machine or do you conduct scientific research with Linked Open Data? Then mark October 17 in your calendar!