One of the aims of the Amsterdam Time Machine is to develop a 3D/4D urban model where socio-historical data about the city can be mapped and queried. Manually modelling each building individually is however a too time-consuming task. The most efficient approach entails therefore the semi-automatic generation of buildings. Ideally,Continue Reading

This project brings together various efforts to collect, map and analyse data on Amsterdam leisure and nightlife venues, such as data on cinema’s, theaters, music venues, exhibitions, restaurants, bars, nightclubs etc. We’re working on connecting various resources, including: online datasets (such as cinema context; wikidata) datasets that are under construction:Continue Reading

“Een Google Streetview, maar dan van vroeger. Virtueel rondlopen in de straten van toen, gecombineerd met een historische ‘Funda’-website: kijken in historische woonhuizen. Hoe zou dat zijn? Er wordt op Europees niveau aan gewerkt om die droom werkelijkheid te maken. En op sommige plekken in Nederland kan het nu al.”Continue Reading